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Imaginary occultation

An occultation of the bright star HIP 123, by asteroid 4766 Malin, will take place on the morning of Sunday July 1st. For more details visit the SPA Observing Forum.

Title for event

Whatever is going to happen with a few brief details about it, and including a hyperlink to any special page if that is important. Whatever is going to happen with a few brief details about it, and including a hyperlink to any special page if that is important.

May spectacular

Something amazing will happen in May. Not sure what yet, as I don't have a PA to hand, but I can feel it in my water. We shall just have to hope for such events, otherwise that area of the home page will look very empty. Oh yes, it will.

Spring meteors

The Eta Aquarid shower are active from etc. Mission scientist Louise Prockter said: "Caloris is a quarter of the diameter of Mercury, with rings of mountains up to two miles high. Which has nothing to do with the event but fills space to see how the rss feed works.

Mira shines bright

Observers are reporting that the famous variable star Mira, currently visible in the evening twilight, is at its brightest for over a decade. SPA members saw the star at around magnitude 4 in January, but it has recently been reported at about magnitude 2.4.