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Want to know more about astronomy?

Come to our first

Starting from Scratch

meeting on

Saturday 23 February, 11 am - 5 pm

at Woodrow High House, near Amersham, Bucks

For full details of how to find the location, click here

Display of Celestron telescopes by David Hinds Ltd will be available

Speakers will include

Ian Crawford
University College, London. SPA President 2006-8

Francisco Diego
Physics and Astronomy, UCL. STFC Science in Society Fellow

Martin Lewis
Telescope expert

Robin Scagell
SPA Vice President

Jerry Stone
Space expert, popular lecturer

Topics to be covered:

Learning the sky
How to get your bearings, how to recognise the constellations, how the sky moves from night to night and month to month

Methods of observing – naked eye, binoculars, telescopes
What you can see and how to observe with various instruments. Setting up a telescope for the first time. How to align an equatorial mount. Basic GO TO rules. Using different eyepieces

What you can observe – Solar System and deep sky
Separate lectures on observing Solar System and deep-sky objects, with tricks and tips for observing each, plus basic sketching and imaging

The Solar System and its features
A professional's view of the Solar System and what we know about the objects within it, their origin and how their features were shaped

The Universe of stars and galaxies
How stars work, and how the Universe evolved over its lifetime

Detailed timetable

10.30 Doors open. Trade stand viewing

11.00-11.30 Preparing to observe – Robin

11.30-12.00 Using telescopes and taking images – Martin

12.00-12.30 Looking at the Sun – Jerry

12.30-1.00 Observing the deep sky – Martin

1.00-2.00 Lunch and tours of Wycombe Astronomical Society observatory.
Sandwiches and other refreshments will be available for purchase

2.00-2.30 Observing the Moon – Jerry

2.30-3.30 How the Moon and planets formed – Ian

3.30-4.00 Viewing the Moon and planets – Robin

4.00-5.00 Universe: Creation within Evolution: from the vast simplicity of pure energy to the tiny complexity of the human brain – Francisco

The event is open to all, whether SPA members or not.

Cost: £5.00 per person. To book, send £5 (payable to SPA) to 36 Fairway, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5DU.

Refreshments will be available for purchase.