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Robin Scagell's test page

Following Paul's invitation I've decided to try a sample page. Go to New Post and you get a simple word-processing form. For some reason it's coming out in an unusual typeface instead of the standard Verdana, though I discovered that on publishing, it's replaced by Verdana. But if I click on Preview, I see the text appearing on the page. What isn't obvious is that it will be topped and tailed with standard SPA banners, just like on the real website.

So let's try to insert an image. Go to the image icon at top right, choose an image from my collection (a picture of Comet McNaught by Jamie Cooper) and there it is. A limited opportunity to position it, however, and no obvious means of adding a caption or of editing it once it's in place.

Up to now it has been fairly easy, but with very limited possibilities. For text only, fine, but not for the more adventurous.

At the moment, blogs are published with a 'next blog' link at the top. Click that and you go to something completely different, but I believe that when the system goes live, this option will not be present so members will not suddenly find themselves admiring a photo of someone's dog.

Having now clicked on Publish, I see that I can edit my own post (using the pen symbol at the bottom). So I encourage Section Directors to have a go and we all promise we won't laugh.

6 March 2008